Free Employee Onboarding Videos

These videos are available at no cost to stream, share, post, and use. They are designed to be shown to new employees within the first month of employment: either one video per day for the first week or one video per week for the first month. Each video includes a short quiz to help managers and employees test their newfound knowledge and set goals for the future. Managers may download the quiz key here.

Have questions or need additional support in onboarding your team? Please contact WCMA Senior Director of Programs & Policy Rebekah Sweeney.

Thank You, Sponsors!

This free series of onboarding videos is brought to you by WCMA with generous support from our partners the Dairy Business Innovation Alliance and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin; sponsors Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery, Emmi Roth, Great Lakes Cheese, and Wapsie Valley Creamery; and contributors Specialty Cheese Company and Westby Cooperative Creamery. Thank you!

Part 1: Welcome to the Dairy Industry

Learn about the history, size and scope, diversity and inclusivity, and goals and mission of the dairy industry - and enjoy some day-one encouragement from your new industry peers!

Ready to test your knowledge? Take the follow-up quiz.


Watch the Spanish version of this video here.

Watch the Hmong version of this video here.

Part 2: Dairy Processing Basics

Follow a shipment of milk all the way through a dairy processing plant as it becomes the delicious, nutritious food we love! Then, brush up on your dairy lingo with fellow industry employees.

Ready to test your knowledge? Take the follow-up quiz.


Watch the Spanish version of this video here.

Watch the Hmong version of this video here.

Part 3: Food Safety and Personal Safety

Learn about the processes and procedures that help keep you, your coworkers, and the products you create safe on the job each day. Hear from your peers on why they take pride in creating nutritious dairy products the world can trust.

Ready to test your knowledge? Take the follow-up quiz.


Watch the Spanish version of this video here.

Watch the Hmong version of this video here.

Part 4: Culture of Excellence

Dive into the welcoming, inclusive culture of dairy processing - where product quality, respectful communication, and community support are the standard. Then, listen in as your fellow employees share why they love what they do!

Ready to test your knowledge? Take the follow-up quiz.


Watch the Spanish version of this video here.

Watch the Hmong version of this video here.

Part 5: Grow With Us in Dairy

Explore the endless range of advancement opportunities available to you in dairy processing, and hear firsthand stories of growth from your industry peers.

Ready to test your knowledge? Take the follow-up quiz.


Watch the Spanish version of this video here.

Watch the Hmong version of this video here.